Individual Assistance
AMAS provides individual assistance to those clients who are not affiliated with an aviation association or who are not provided access as a company benefit. The AMAS team can provide the same world-class service to individual private clients on a fee-for-use basis.
Confidential Email Inquiry
Fast, Accurate, Confidential Answers to E-Mail Questions. Individuals who wish to submit a specific question should select the appropriate Confidential Questionnaire form. Once submitted, you will receive a response from one of our physicians within 2 business days. Your submission is always kept completely confidential. AMAS does not release information to the FAA, any other government agency, other physicians, individuals or companies.
- Individual clients who wish to submit a specific, anonymous question should select the Individual Confidential Questionnaire. There is a $49.95 fee associated with this inquiry.
- Current members can contact AMAS by selecting Consult an AMAS Physician.
Confidential Telephone Consultation
Individual clients who prefer to talk to a physician can call our office at 1-866-AEROMED (237-6633). There is a $70.00 fee associated with this initial consultation.
FAA Medical Certification Assistance
Do you have a pressing medical issue or concern requiring immediate attention for regaining your certification? Have you recently been diagnosed with or experienced:
- By-pass surgery, angioplasty or stent placement
- Heart attack or angina, pacemaker or valve replacement
- Cancer
- Kidney stones
- Sleep apnea
- Loss of consciousness
- Treatment for depression
- DUIs or DWIs
These are just a few conditions of a list that goes on and on. Our physicians have managed virtually all medical situations and conditions requiring FAA notification and/or certification. We represent over 100,000 pilots and controllers each year in their dealings with the FAA to maintain or reinstate medical certificates. The complexity and frustrations of dealing with the FAA following such events can be overwhelming at times.
Let the physicians of AMAS assist by serving as your FAA Liaison. AMAS will work directly with you and your treating physicians to obtain or maintain your FAA medical certification following such events. We work directly with the FAA in Oklahoma City to obtain clearance for you to return to fly or your AME to issue a new medical certificate.
Individual clients can utilize our service on a fee-for-use basis. Pricing is based on complexity of medical condition and medical certificate class. Clients who are sponsored by their aviation organization or company flight department receive these services on a discounted or no-cost basis.
For aeromedical advice and FAA medical certification assistance you can trust, contact the AMAS staff today!